"The White Man's Burden" is a poem written Rudyard Kipling about the United States's conquest to take over The Phillipines. It is considered a very racist poem. The White people thought they were better than everybody else. So, they took it upon themselves to take over the Phillipines and teach them how to be civilized. They took it upon themselves and still considered it a burden. From the interperatations that I read, I agree with the analysis. The analysis states that the white people had an obligation to encourage the Phillipines to be cultured and well-bred like the white people from the West. The picture is an advertisment teaching the people of the Phillipines how to be clean.
The United Statestoday is some-what imperialist. For example, In Iraq. We are fighting a battle with Iraq because the President wants to change the government to a democracy. That is a little imperialistic because we want to take the smaller country and change it. Also, in Puerto Rico. Presently, the Puerto Ricans have to carry the Puerto Rican flag along with the American flag.
With the exception of Iraq, we are not living the "White Man's Burden." In today's society, most people are cultured and know how to act. We know how take care of ourselves, physcially [hygiene], emotionally and mentally. People don't need the help of other countries to tell them how to live. We have the ability to do it ourselves.