Simon Bolivar was a famous Spanish man whose goal was to free a part of South America from the rule of Spain. His actions affected the following countries: Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Bolivar was a leader of many movements involving independence throughout South America.
Bolivar was born in present-day Venezuela, but then went to Spain to finish his education. After that, Bolivar was in and out of Venezuela due to many incidents. He was part of the Caracas juntas which was a type of government where all the political power was depended on its military. When the leader of the juntas surrendered to Spain, Bolivar had to escape to Cartagena, Colombia. He gained military command in New Granada [present day Colombia] where he led the invasion of Venezuela. That began the Admirable Campaign. He was declared "El Libertador." Bolivar had taken over Caracas and later proclaimed the Venezuelan Second Republic.
After many battles, Bolivar traveled to Haiti in 1815. He requested aid from the Haitian President for the cause. The Haitian President provided Bolivar with aid in an exchange to free slaves. With the help of the President, Bolivar retreated back to South America to continue the fight for freedom against Spain. Bolivar helped New Granada win independence from Spain in 1819 after he won the Battle of Boyaca. In 1821, Gran Colombia, was created as a government, where Bolivar was the President. Many victories followed, and Simon ruled Ecuador and Venezuela.
Peru was partially freed from Spain, and Bolivar took it upon himself to fully free Peru from the Spanish, which he accomplished. Peruvian congressmen declared Bolivar dictatorship of Peru. As dictator of Peru, he reorganize the military and political systems. In 1825, in Peru, the Republic of Bolivia was created. He was honored by having a country named after him and he is one of the few men to have a country named after him.
Unfortunately, in 1827, civil wars broke out due to personal difference between the leaders of the countries of South America. The unity that Bolivar had fought for was destroyed. Bolivar died in 1830 due to tuberculosis. He had fought for many years for the freedom of the colonies from Spain. He accomplished his goals. Bolivar will aways go down in history as the great leader who fought and pushed through to free the colonies of Spain from their Mother Country.
If he was born in Venezuela, he can't be Spanish. He was exiled to Haiti and Jamaica and this entry mentions nothing about that.
La dependencia económica es el nuevo colonialismo, por la nueva monarquía u orden mundial, es decir, el orden financiero; basado en el préstamo, la deuda, las armas, la guerra y el monopolio y manipulación de todos estos negocios por un ente casi invisible: La Monarquía Mundial Financiera o LA CORPORACIÓN BRITANICA; aun EEUU es víctima de ella, desde su engañosa independencia en 1776. Siendo la primera emancipación de este tipo. Muchos de aquellos líderes “libertarios” fueron manipulados y engañados; pero hoy sus gobernantes a sabiendas de su servilismo, son hipócritas y más fieles a logias secretas supranacionales que a su propia nación; porque sus promociones, altos grados y respaldos, los alcanzan o reciben, por hacer actos muy vergonzosos, para después poder ser manejados fácilmente a punta de chantajes por sus tutelares corporativos.
Así es, hoy, igualmente en todo el mundo. El G20 actual o países más desarrollados, al igual que EEUU, también han sido víctimas y colonias desde hace más de 200 años de LA CORPORACIÓN BRITANICA y su pulpo bélico y bancario, que se enriquece con el “Gran Teatro o Engaño Mundial” que han impuesto entre las naciones, su propósito es instaurar el caos general, sacarle partido a esto y desmantelar el mundo para debilitarlo y finalmente gobernarlo. Para establecer un NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL. Esto se explica muy bien en LA CONSPIRACIÓN MUNDIAL DE LA MAFIA X, léalo gratuitamente en la web: www.lucasblancoacosta.com
Lucas Blanco Acosta
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