"The Right Stuff" was a movie documenting the events of the Space Race. The Space Race was a part of the Cold War. The Cold War was a war [not exactly] between The Soviet Union and the United States. This war was different from every other war because it didn't involve fighting, hence the "Cold" War. In 1957, The Soviet Union had put a satallite in space by the name of Spunik. That really got the competition going. The United States wanted to be seen as "better" than the Soviets. Basically, it was sort of the "anything you can do, I can do better" situation. So, the United States put a monkey up in space. Weeks later, the Soviet Union, sent a man to space. Although, we were behind in the beginning, we ended up winning the Space Race by putting a man on the moon.
The scenes that I will remember most from this film was when the United States' rockets wouldn't launch. They went through so much prepartions for the rockets and they'd fail. Those scenes were most memoriable to me.
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