The collapse of Communism in Estern Europe and USSR was a major event in history. It was the result of the end of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall being torn down which meant that Eastern and Western Germany had the oppurtunity to form the social and economic ties. People from the West could not cross into the East Communist, and the East could not cross into the Western Democractic system.
The only thing seperating Eastern and Western Germany was he Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people from the east to enter the west and vice-versa. Anyone who attempt would gte shot. In 1989, the wall was being repaired and they were making roads for private trips between the East and the West. The also wanted to add several borders to allow people to travel more. People came to the wall with rocks to collect souvnier. Hundreds soon attacked the wall and destroyed it.
The Soviet Union had also divided into fifteen different countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Lativa, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. These countries had different flags and Russia itself changed its flag. When capitalism was the new type of system is Russia, the economy was affected greatly. People had to get higher paying jobs because there was less farming. There was less need for advanced weapons and people turned away from Communism.
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