Friday, December 14, 2007

The Opium Wars

The Opium Wars, also known as the Anglo-Chinese War, was the most embarrassing defeat that they had faced. It was the first drug war in the 19th century. Opium is a drug made from poppy seedpods and is also used to make heroin. It was mostly used to as medicine to cure diseases. It was made and shipped to China from India from British traders. This drug is a very addictive drug and many Chinese people had gotten high off commonly in the early 1800's. 2 million pounds of opium was being sold to China and about 10% of the Chinese population smoked Opium. China's economy went down because of the silver being used to pay for the Opium. To balance out trade with the British importing, the Chinese would export tea to Britain.

Britain won the Opium War. It technology was so advance to defeat China in the world. They had huge ships with cannons and gun machines, nothing compared to the small things China had. China's army got demolished. After their defeat, China allowed trading ports for foreigners.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"The White Man's Burden"

"The White Man's Burden" is a poem written Rudyard Kipling about the United States's conquest to take over The Phillipines. It is considered a very racist poem. The White people thought they were better than everybody else. So, they took it upon themselves to take over the Phillipines and teach them how to be civilized. They took it upon themselves and still considered it a burden. From the interperatations that I read, I agree with the analysis. The analysis states that the white people had an obligation to encourage the Phillipines to be cultured and well-bred like the white people from the West. The picture is an advertisment teaching the people of the Phillipines how to be clean.

The United Statestoday is some-what imperialist. For example, In Iraq. We are fighting a battle with Iraq because the President wants to change the government to a democracy. That is a little imperialistic because we want to take the smaller country and change it. Also, in Puerto Rico. Presently, the Puerto Ricans have to carry the Puerto Rican flag along with the American flag.

With the exception of Iraq, we are not living the "White Man's Burden." In today's society, most people are cultured and know how to act. We know how take care of ourselves, physcially [hygiene], emotionally and mentally. People don't need the help of other countries to tell them how to live. We have the ability to do it ourselves.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Scramble For Africa

"The Scramble for Africa" was mostly about the European countries racing to colonized territories in Africa. The Europeans nations were the ones that set borders on the continent of Africa. It began in 1881 with France, when it moved into Tunis. After many years of ignoring the continent of Africa, Europe felt that it had to put influence of the countries of it. The countries involved in the Scramble for Africa were Britain, France, Belgium and Germany. Britain's colonization of Africa began when the Suez Canal was built through Egypt. This canal was opening opportunities for the British to take over Africa. Little by little they began to conquer East Africa, but they wanted to expand upward for diamonds and gold. It took the British two wars to defeat the Boers, who were Dutch, to conquer African territory. The French's main concern for colonizing Africa was for its resources. After their defeat in the Franco-Prussia War, they wanted commercial gain and prestige so the wanted to move eastward. Belgium was one the most important reasons why they titled this the "Scramble for Africa." The King of Belgium just wanted to pt his flag on territory and was willing to pay any amount of money for it. Belgium contributed it most sense of urgency for land during the "Scramble for Africa." Germany joined the "Scramble for Africa very late. They barely got any land. The Africans left used and conquer. They felt as if the imperialist were taking over what was theirs and had no say in anything.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Film Lesson: "Mountain of the Moon"

In the film "Mountains of the Moon" British explorers were set on an adventure to discover the source of the Nile River in Africa. Africa is a very large continent and the Nile River was right smack in the middle of the continent. Africa was also surrounded by many deserts, like the Saharra Desert which is located in the Northern part of Africa. The Saharra Desert was about the size of the United States. So the English explorers had to go from England and go all around Africa until they were in the eastern part of Africa. In the journey from England to Africa, the English explorers lost many men due to sickness. One common sickness was malaria. From there, they went inland into Africa in search of the Nile River. The explorers faced many hardships when the went inland into Africa. The tribes in Africa are very territorial, so when the saw Richard Burton and his explorers enter on their territory, they would attack them. The only way Burton and his explorers were to enter the land of the tribes was if they bought gifts for them.

One of the explorers had located a river and belived that it was the source of the Nile. They weren't completely sure but they were correct. The source of the Nile is named Lake Victoria after the British Queen. It is no surprise the English explorers named the river they discovered after the English Queen. That is why the lake was named Lake Victoria.

The English explorers had many advantages towards conquering Africa. They had very advanced technology at that time like machines guns and guns. The English people could easily defeat the Africans tribes with these weapons. Eventually, the English began to take over. Currently, South Africa is occupied with people who's ancestors were English.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

The Meiji Restoration of Japan refers to the restoration of the emperor's power and the revolutionary changes that simultaneously occurred with the Meiji's emperor's rule throughout the years of 1868-1912. The power of the Tokugawa shogunate weakened Japan. The country of Japan never even thought foreign trade policies until Commodore Matthew Perry arrived at the coast of Japan. When he arrived he wanted to set up a deal for opening up trade relations with the United States. They were very doubtful that they would accept the offer due to the major damage that Britain had done to China. China just wanted to be an isolated country from the World. But sights of a Pacific coast trading center looked attractive to Japan. The American politicians looked at the ports as a way for Americans to reload and unload their ships.

The deals between Japan and Matthew Perry were not really deals, as Matthew Perry forced Japan to sign the treaties using military force. Japan is an archipelago. An archipelago a chain of islands. The Japanese were shocked at the ships with no sails that Perry was running. The military force that Matthew Perry bought to Japan was greatly superior to Japan's, and Japan had no other choice than to grant the United State's wishes. On March 31, 1854, a treaty was signed between Japan and the U.S. Continuous unfair treaties were put upon Japan by the British, the Russians and the Dutch, all abusing the Japanese's military. Due to the "pushing around" of Japan by other countries, sent the economy of Japan going downward. With no Industrial Revolution, Japan's economy had set itself for unfair trade balance, and the economy was in a dire need of fixing it as soon as possible.

After Japan got their act together, they modernized greatly. A mandatory state of government was instilled and the state funded elementary leveled education. They translated Western textbook and believed that this system would raise national pride. The Japanese also developed their own way of writing. These system developed a sense of national pride, would help people in the future and also helped maintain the love for the Emperor.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx one of Communism's most beneficial people. He began the idea of Communism because he was very against Capitalism. Capitalism is a type of economic system where the success of the company was run privately and functioned for profit. On the other hand, Communism is a form of socialism that abolishes private possessorship. It is also a political theory which favors a classless society. In order for Communism to begin, Capitalism would have to be eliminated.

Marx had formed a group called the Communist League. Along side is friend Friedrich Engels, he wrote the Communism Manifesto. He explained how the lower classes would always rise up and create a whole new society. The Communism Manifesto was written to explain the course of action, as well as threaten the governement, that the proletarian Revolution to overthrow Capitalism and get rid of the class structure. Marx wanted the society to be a classless society. Communism was the thought that everyone was common. The working class would eventually own all the Capitalist property and it would benefit the proletarians drastically. Karl states that there would no longer be a need for a government because there would be no classes.

Karl was constantly harassed because of his Communist ideas. He believed that the worker of the factories should run the government, but the communist governments were very strict. Marx ended the Manifesto with very famous words which I mentioned in my previous blog: "Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world unite!"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was a German philosopher and very famous political activist. He was a philosopher, political economist and was known for creating the idea of Communism. Marx's rise to popularity began during the Industrial Revolution. He was shocked at the sight of the workers. The conditions were terrible and the workers were being treated very poorly. They were making products that weren't theirs and depended greatly on money wages. He voiced his thought saying that the factory owners would own the factories instead of the landlords. He encouraged the workers to unite and revolt.

This was the when the period of Capitalism began to arise. Capitalism is a type of economic system where th e means of production, distribution and exchange of wealth is run under private companies or corporations. Landlords began to lose power and other people, such as merchants, eventually rose to power. During the Industrial Revolution, children worked 12 hour days and the conditions in England were damaging and dangerous to one's health. The streets were dirty. Families could only afford to live in ONE room and were very crowded. Many children died because of diseases and undernourishment. Capitalist gained much political power.

A man named Adam Smith wrote a book about Capitalism and his views about it. He was for it, but Karl Marx had a very different idea. He believed that the workers of the factories were disassociated "from the fruits of his own labors." He wanted to change that but first he has to get rid of the Capitalist system. This bought upon the idea of Communism. Communism was the thought that everyone would be common. Karl wanted to put an end to Capitalism. He exclaimed that wealth should be diffused "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

When the kicked Marx and his family out of France because of his ideas, he went to Belgium, where he formed a small group called the Communist League and wrote his Communist Manifesto. In the Manifesto, he explained, how always in history, the lower classes of any system would always rise up and created a whole new society. He also explained how the real value of the product was the labor put into it. Marx kind of threaten the government saying that communist had a better understanding of class struggles and said they would start a revolution and take over the government. The proletarians, or the workers, would take away all the private property of capitalist. The plan for such a project would be used to benefit the proletarians. During the communist phase of the Revolution, the workers controlled mass production and Marx said that there would no longer be a need for government because all the classes would disappear.

He was kicked out of Belgium and then from France again. His ideas were not accepted. He was constantly attacked, threaten and harassed. His ideas were not used in some Communist countries, but others took his thoughts into consideration. Karl believed that the worker of the factories should run the government, but the communist governments were very strict. Workers were still forced to work difficult jobs and the newspaper was forbidden to write anything that would go against the beliefs of the government. Anyone who was against the government, and expressed it, they would be treated terribly. He died in 1883 and only 11 people attended his funeral. His friend and supported Friedrich Engels, who helped him write the Communist Manifesto, attended.

He ended the Communist Manifesto with these great words: "Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world unite!"

Friday, October 19, 2007

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism means to be patriotic and to be loyal and devoted to their country. In every country, nationalism is expressed by what the citizens of that country do. For example, here, in the United States, we express nationalism on Fourth of July and we watch baseball, a pastime in America. Also, in public schools, every morning we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Also, Puerto Ricans express there patriotic selves, by celebrating the Puerto Rican parade. I consider myself to be patriotic because I celebrate the Fourth of July. We light up fireworks as a symbol of freedom in the United States.

Before the country of Italy was united, it was ruled by many different people due to the fact the Italy was divided into Empires. The rulers of the Empires were not even natives of the land of Italy. The nation of Italy was growing apart and due to that they began to put limits on the requirements to being a ruler in Italy. One requirement was that you had to be Italian. That narrowed the amount of rulers to two rulers. They were Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi. They both had different views. Mazzini thought that it would be better if Italy was separated into smalls states but Garibaldi believed that Italy would be better if they were united. He fought many battles in order to united Southern Italy together, while a count united the northern states of Italy together. These united states were then ruled by King Victor Emmanuel II. Nationalism erupted now that Italy was one whole nation. They were still many difference between Mazzini and people who wanted to unite Italy. Mazzini believed that people wanted to unite Italy for money and not the the unity of the people.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was a famous Spanish man whose goal was to free a part of South America from the rule of Spain. His actions affected the following countries: Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Bolivar was a leader of many movements involving independence throughout South America.

Bolivar was born in present-day Venezuela, but then went to Spain to finish his education. After that, Bolivar was in and out of Venezuela due to many incidents. He was part of the Caracas juntas which was a type of government where all the political power was depended on its military. When the leader of the juntas surrendered to Spain, Bolivar had to escape to Cartagena, Colombia. He gained military command in New Granada [present day Colombia] where he led the invasion of Venezuela. That began the Admirable Campaign. He was declared "El Libertador." Bolivar had taken over Caracas and later proclaimed the Venezuelan Second Republic.

After many battles, Bolivar traveled to Haiti in 1815. He requested aid from the Haitian President for the cause. The Haitian President provided Bolivar with aid in an exchange to free slaves. With the help of the President, Bolivar retreated back to South America to continue the fight for freedom against Spain. Bolivar helped New Granada win independence from Spain in 1819 after he won the Battle of Boyaca. In 1821, Gran Colombia, was created as a government, where Bolivar was the President. Many victories followed, and Simon ruled Ecuador and Venezuela.

Peru was partially freed from Spain, and Bolivar took it upon himself to fully free Peru from the Spanish, which he accomplished. Peruvian congressmen declared Bolivar dictatorship of Peru. As dictator of Peru, he reorganize the military and political systems. In 1825, in Peru, the Republic of Bolivia was created. He was honored by having a country named after him and he is one of the few men to have a country named after him.

Unfortunately, in 1827, civil wars broke out due to personal difference between the leaders of the countries of South America. The unity that Bolivar had fought for was destroyed. Bolivar died in 1830 due to tuberculosis. He had fought for many years for the freedom of the colonies from Spain. He accomplished his goals. Bolivar will aways go down in history as the great leader who fought and pushed through to free the colonies of Spain from their Mother Country.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

The French Revolution was when the people of France revolt against the government. The government were the citizens of France very poorly, dividing them into extremely unfair estates. There were three estates: the first estate which were of Catholic clergies; the second estate which consisted for wealthy nobles and finally the third estate which was everyone else. The unfair thing was that the third estate paid 98% of all taxes while the wealthy nobles and Catholic clergies paid less then 2%. The citizens took after the Enlightenment thinkers and decided to stand up and ask questions about what was occurring. They wanted a democracy-like setting in their country.
The democracy-like setting the citizens demanded was not set up as soon as the French Revolution began. It took some time. The French Revolution soon crumbled into the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was about a 10 month period during the Revolution in which a wave of executions by the
guillotine. The first person to get killed by the guillotine after the king died, was his wife, Marie Antoinette. People being killed by the guillotine was considered a learning experience. 30,000 people in France lost their lives due to the sudden breakout of executions by the guillotine. Maximilien Robespierre arose and took over the country of France. He wanted to destroy all traces of any monarchy-like setting. He took over France like a dictator would. The rule of Robespierre was called the Reign of Terror because nobody was safe. He was responsible for killing so many people. The Reign of Terror concluded when Robespierre was arrested and executed.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The French Revolution: Social Causes

The French Revolution is one of the greatest times in history. The people in France were divide into very unfair estates. That was one of the cause of the French Revolution. Another cause of the revolution because of lack of food. The crops was were no good and people were starving. Because of that, people began to revolt. Also, the king, Louis XVI was not one of the best kings around. he was very unorganized and didn't have any interest in ruling the country of France. The French Revolution changed that. The lower and middle class people overruled the wealthier people.

During the French revolution there were three estate, the first estate, the second estate and the third estate. The first estate consisted of Catholic clergies. The second estate had wealthy nobles and the third estate had everyone else. The third estate felt extremely used considering the fact that they get paid less than the catholic clergies and the wealthy nobles, yet they had to pay the most taxes, which was very unfair.

Enlightenment thinkers were all about making the world and asking questions and standing up for their rights. They were willing to do anything for a democracy-like setting. They wanted everything to be fair and wanted people to make a difference as well as help them when they were in need.

King Louis XVI had set up a National Assembly between the 1st and 2nd estates. He set up an army of Swiss guards to protect them. The French people believed that the Swiss were going into their country to attack them. A large number of French people gathered around and rummaged into the Bastille in search of protection, from what they believed was going to be an attack. The citizens of France eventually took over the Bastille, which marked the beginning of the French Revolution.

Later on, King Louis XVI, was executed by the guillotine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

In astronomy, the geocentric theory, which was disconfirmed by Galileo, was the idea that the sun and the moon revolved around he. Heliocentricism is the proven theory that the earth revolve around the sun and the moon. The Geocentric theory was accepted by everyone before the Scientific Revolution erupted. The Heliocentric theory came after the Geocentric theory due to new methods such as the scientific method which was developed during the scientific revolution.
Galileo Galilei also known as the ''father of modern observational astronomy" was an extremely famous mathematician, scientist and astronomer who played a big part in the Scientific Revolution. Galileo was very for Copernicus's Heliocentric idea. He was devoted to spreading his knowledge and his theory to the public. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church's believed in Geocentricism. The Catholic Church believed in Geocentricism because of several writings in the Bible like in the "Chronicles 16:30" where it states that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved." Galileo's diffused the idea of Heliocentric which provoked the Catholic Church put Galileo on trial for his belief. After hard interrogation against Galileo was sentenced to life in prison and later house arrest for his believing the Copernicus theory. Recently, Pope John Paul II stated that the way that Galileo was handled was wrong.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

About 500 centuries ago, scientist and people used to think that proof to their theories was found in the Bible. Now, scientist follow a method called the scientific method. The scientific method is a series of steps used to prove if a theory is correct or not. The first part of the scientific method is to ask a question. The question is basically the theory that the scientist or the person has made. The next step is to do some background research on the topic. It'll help you a lot if you have background information to base your theory on. Then you must construct a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a mere guess based on a theory with incomplete evidence. The next step in the scientific method, is to test your theory with an experiment. Make sure that when you conduct the experiment that only one variable is changed. Then examine your answers. If the hypothesis is true, report your results. If the hypothesis is wrong, try again and repeat the scientific method with a different hypothesis or a different variable.
An example of following the scientific method is by performing an experiment to test whether a plant grow faster by watering it with water or with soda. So my question is "Does a plant grow better with water or with soda?" Next, you do some background research. Then, my hypothesis is that the plant will grow faster with water. The next step is to test your hypothesis with an experiment. According the the information I gather, my hypothesis was correct and the plant will grow faster with water.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

In our current society, some people believe in evolution and others believe in the creation. Evolution is the scientific reason that people evolve and mutate depending on the environment. Creationism is the belief that Earth and people were created by gods, and that is where religions are formed.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution states, that everything descended from one ancestor. Those ancestors migrated to different places with different environments usually in look for food. Darwin explains that a species is forced to change when migrating to a different environment. Darwin did a study on finches living in the Galapagos Island. He believed that in order to eat, the finches had to be able to break seed that were grown on the island with their beaks. The birds that were best suited for that particular environment with the big seeds, would survive and reproduce. After that, the new traits that the birds had developed, would accumulate and a new form of species would produce. That is how Darwin believes the evolution works.
Evolution is more believed by scientists than creationism due to actual research, fossils and observations. Evidence shows that the bone structure of the wings of a bird, the hands of a human and the flaps of a whale are all similar and have a resemblance, even though they have different functions.
Creationism is the presumption that the world was formed in their genuine way by a god. It is more of a literal belief because in the bible it states in the Book of Genesis that the world was created in a matter of 6 days. The bible would be the publication in which the Jewish and the Christians believe in. The Qu'ran is the document the Muslim believe in and follow. The Qu'ran says that god created the people and the Earth itself.