Monday, December 3, 2007

Film Lesson: "Mountain of the Moon"

In the film "Mountains of the Moon" British explorers were set on an adventure to discover the source of the Nile River in Africa. Africa is a very large continent and the Nile River was right smack in the middle of the continent. Africa was also surrounded by many deserts, like the Saharra Desert which is located in the Northern part of Africa. The Saharra Desert was about the size of the United States. So the English explorers had to go from England and go all around Africa until they were in the eastern part of Africa. In the journey from England to Africa, the English explorers lost many men due to sickness. One common sickness was malaria. From there, they went inland into Africa in search of the Nile River. The explorers faced many hardships when the went inland into Africa. The tribes in Africa are very territorial, so when the saw Richard Burton and his explorers enter on their territory, they would attack them. The only way Burton and his explorers were to enter the land of the tribes was if they bought gifts for them.

One of the explorers had located a river and belived that it was the source of the Nile. They weren't completely sure but they were correct. The source of the Nile is named Lake Victoria after the British Queen. It is no surprise the English explorers named the river they discovered after the English Queen. That is why the lake was named Lake Victoria.

The English explorers had many advantages towards conquering Africa. They had very advanced technology at that time like machines guns and guns. The English people could easily defeat the Africans tribes with these weapons. Eventually, the English began to take over. Currently, South Africa is occupied with people who's ancestors were English.

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